Meet Our Rabbi
Rabbi Karen Tashman
April 2, 2024
Shalom Temple Beth Shalom Friends,
I am so happy to be here and thrilled to be serving as your new Rabbi. Just as I want to get to know you, I thought that you may want to know more about me.
My life has always been defined by my relationship with Judaism. Growing up I loved being Jewish! I loved the way each holiday was celebrated, singing in the synagogue choir, attending Shabbat Services and being involved in youth activities. In my high school years, I was teaching Hebrew School and leading youth groups. My involvement with Jewish Community started young and never wavered.
It was as a teenager that I first traveled throughout Israel and immediately fell deeply in love with our people, our history and our homeland.
Family has always been important in my life. As one of four children, our family life was always busy, loud and filled with adventures. Camping, boating, and motorcycle riding are just a few of the memories that helped to shape my love of family and solidify the strong relationships between me and my siblings, which in turn was passed on to the next generation. Still true today, my favorite people to spend time with are my own husband and children, my siblings & their spouses, and their children with their partners.
My husband, Jeff and I raised four children of our own. Our family is spread across many time zones from Florida to Georgia to Montana to Israel, and at the same time with the gift of technology, we are able to speak and spend time with one another daily despite the distance.
Professionally, I have worked in Jewish communal service for over 40 years. My journey and passion for embracing Jewish community is what led the way to pursuing and receiving my rabbinic ordination.
With a background in Jewish education prior to my rabbinic training, I have been honored to offer Jewish education through a variety of modalities for all ages, children through adults, and blessed to serve on the pulpit and with pastoral services. Over these many years I have been privileged to provide leadership to Jewish communities in New York, Georgia and Florida in congregational, summer camp, day school and senior services settings.
I look forward to getting to know you better, and to continuing to build this holy community with each of you.
Rabbi Karen Tashman