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Your Jewish Legacy Gift

Members of TBS who choose to make a legacy gift to our temple are making a personal commitment to the continuity of Jewish life in our synagogue and in Palm Coast.


They are helping to ensure that TBS will always be here to serve the coming generations of our extended family and that TBS will have the resources to continue its tradition of excellence. You can provide for TBS’s future by making the synagogue a beneficiary of any of the following:

  • A simple bequest in your will—for a set dollar amount or a percentage of the residual estate

  • All or a portion of your individual retirement account (IRA)

  • A new or existing life insurance policy

  • A charitable remainder trust

A person does not have to be wealthy to make a legacy gift.  By designating a percentage, for example 5%, of their final estate, individuals can pledge a meaningful gift as their legacy, whether their estate is $10,000 or $10 million. Fixed gift amounts, insurance policy designations, stocks, etc. are other forms of legacy gifts one may choose.


Potential benefits of making a planned gift include:


  • Giving your gift later on won’t affect your current economic freedom and/or stability.

  • You have the freedom to change your mind if your situation changes.

  • It costs less to donate IRAs and retirement/pension plans to a charity than to pass them on to heirs.

  • You’ll have the satisfaction of knowing you’ve done your part to keep our synagogue alive for future generations. 

​Consult with your professional financial advisor to determine the best way for you to include TBS in your estate plans.  And thank you for helping to secure TBS's future!

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